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Apply To Join The Council

What is the Young Entrepreneur Council?
The Young Entrepreneur Council (Y.E.C.) provides its members with access to tools, mentorship, community and educational resources that support each stage of their business’s development and growth. Our organization promotes entrepreneurship as a solution to youth unemployment and underemployment.

What is
It’s a closed-community of the world’s top, young entrepreneurs who volunteer their time and their minds to create something extraordinary: The world’s largest resource for becoming a young, successful business owner.

How can you can get involved?
After you fill out the required information, The Young Entrepreneur Council Selection Board will review your application. Your experience, your passions and your business needs will determine where we place you as a council member. Some possibilities include…

  • Becoming a syndicated columnist
  • Creating a video and/or podcasts series
  • Leading one of our local council chapters or sitting on the national council board

What are the benefits?
Unmatched visibility is one of the core benefits that community members receive. Every council member is eligible to participate in our monthly Q&A roundup where select members are syndicated by media partners that include The Wall Street Journal, Mashable, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post and AMEX Open Forum. Columnists and Vloggers/Podcasters may also get their content picked up by a media partner. All content contributed by our members is featured on and branded to your specifications.

Unparalleled networking opportunities is the other core benefit of becoming a member. We’re extremely selective about who we chose to become council members. You will only find the best and the brightest young minds in our community.

And last, but not least, you’ll be given the opportunity to support a philanthropy that was created to serve you.

Apply to be a Council member now.

Featured Press

ABC News, How To Build Your Own Business - 12/22/10

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Have a question for the Young Entrepreneur Council? Just ask! We might even select your question as the one we feature in our columns on websites such as WSJ!